Level 6 Designing Sustainable Food Safety Management Systems


The learners will have the knowledge, skills to design, implement, review and manage a food safety management system based on hazard analysis and critical control points.

Objectives of this programme

At the end of this programme the learner will be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legislation, standards and guides applicable to the food industry
Comprehend the basis of the four food hazards in relation to practical application
Demonstrate understanding and be able to complete a hazard analysis based on risk, appreciating the importance of hazard prevention, understanding the difference between process hazard analysis and TACCP
Develop, implement and document the procedures and processes required to ensure the food safety management system complies with legislative demands
Know where to find applicable sources of information in order to keep up to date with legislation, standards, technology and emerging risks.
Course Outline:

Standards, guides, regulation and legislation
Roles of regulatory bodies
Food hazards, food prevention and shelf life
Risk assessment
Codex Principles
HACCP and the development of hazard analysis and a HACCP Plan (case study)
Documentation and Records
Validation and verification
Other tools to maintain the food safety management system

Duration –

Day 1: 9am – 4pm

Day 2: 9am – 4pm

Day 3: 9am – 4pm

Day 4: 9am – 1pm

4 days in total. 3 days of learning with day 3 given to revision in the morning and exam in the afternoon.

Preferred Entry Level

Leaving certificate or equivalent qualifications or relevant life and work experience. A working knowledge of written and spoken English is required to undertake this programme. Learners should have a preceding level on NFQ or minimum equivalent of FSAI level 2 in food safety.

A theory based examination accounts for 40% of available marks (2 hours). An individual project accounting for a maximum of 60% of available marks will have to be completed.

The course is ideally suited to food safety managers, HACCP professionals and anyone responsible for developing, implementing and documenting the procedures and processes required to ensure the food safety management system complies with legislative demands

